
Adventuring can be a thrilling experience. But owning and operating an adventuring business? That’s next level. Bear Rock Adventures was founded in 2013 by Corinne Rober and Steve Baillargeon, and they’ve grown the business into a top-caliber service that offers unparalleled access to trails, breathtaking views, camping and lodging options and the biggest adventure outfitting store in the region.

How does someone find themselves in this type of business? We sat down with Corrine to get the scoop.

How did you get into the business?

It was really Steve’s idea [Note: Steve Baillargeon is Corinne’s husband and co-owner of Bear Rock]. We had a second home in Colebrook and I wanted to move up to the area full time. To do that, we needed to make a livelihood. We are entrepreneurs at heart and wanted a new idea that had growth potential. Ride the Wilds Trail System had just opened up in 2013, and when we were up there on vacation, we just said ‘yes.’ We ran both our businesses until we were able to sell Margarita Grill our restaurant in Glen, NH and make the official move.

Why did you name it Bear Rock Adventures?

We knew it would be more than just rentals—we wanted a variety of different things. The offering was going to be bigger and provide our guests with more. ‘Bear Rock’ is the name of the road, and ‘Adventures’ rounded out the offering into the future no matter which direction we went.

What’s the best part about operating Bear Rock?

It changes all the time—on so many levels. We are expanding all the time. There’s never a year when we’re not adding something. We also meet so many different people. When people come up to this area, they’re so impressed with the riding terrain but also the quality and level of the business. They’re just shocked by the whole experience.

Where’s your best-kept secret adventure spot?

Bear Rock Mountain. It isn’t really a secret, but it is such an enjoyed area. The mountain’s incredible backdrop is such a perfect spot for a photo shoot. A couple recently got engaged there and it was their second time visiting and riding with Bear Rock. To help celebrate, our team left champagne on their deck after the proposal.

What do you enjoy doing outside of ATV/Snowmobiling?

I love hiking and swimming in the pond at our home that my husband built for me. It’s the perfect way to unwind!

What inspired the Adventure Store?

We felt like it was a natural extension of what we’re doing, and there aren’t very many places like it in our area. I love the buying process for the store! It’s a thrill to find new products and brands that fit into the initiative of high-quality products that lean into our outdoor adventure offering.

What are your go-to brands in the store?

Kari Traa and Indyeva.

What inspired Bear Rock to get into lodging and camping?

Our love of the area drove us to expand into lodging. Our campsites are situated on the most stunning property in the area and spaced apart so you feel secluded. They’re accessible to the trail system while still maintaining remoteness. Bear Rock Lodge is perfectly located on both the ATV & Snowmobile trail system allowing for a perfect spot for our Play & Stay Packages. These cater to the full family experience so people can stay back at the lodge or go out adventuring, or both.

We love to explore and experience the outdoors without sacrificing comfort. Our goal is to have the best equipment and amenities possible. After developing a strong reputation within the motorized sport rental business, we realized it was a perfect jumping point to expand on this concept. We wanted to have an all-inclusive offering that would make it really simple for our guests to experience the Great North Woods while elevating the experience.

What’s your favorite campsite?

I really don’t have a favorite because each is so unique and special, but I do tend to like the extra space of the grand tents.

What is the best thing a guest has ever shared? 

We had an entire wedding a few years back on Bear Rock Mountain. Sharing the special moments at our business is beyond magical! It makes us feel like we are helping create lifetime memories. That’s so cool.

What is your suggested trip for a first-time rider? 

For ATVing, I love to send people on the Rail Trail following the Connecticut River. It’s a gentle, beautiful trail paralleling the river and farmland, giving the guest a whole new perspective on our area.

For snowmobiling, it is always riding to the top of Sugar Hill on the Swift Diamond Rider trail system, where the trees get smaller, and they are completely crusted in feet of snow. The ride is easy enough for beginners but spectacular no matter how many times you see it.

Ready for your Bear Rock Adventure? Book a Play & Stay Package today!